Why You Should Be TEMPted


December 10, 2023

Throughout my working career I have always wondered about the benefits a temporary member of staff can bring to the business.

This curiosity dates back to many (too many) years ago, when I worked for Barclays Bank in London as a cashier. I made friends very quickly with a regular customer who used to come in on an almost daily basis to bank cheques for Office Angels. Simply the name of the business made my ears prick up, I imagined these amazing office support angels running around saving the day for businesses in urgent need of help.

Well, it transpires that this is exactly what temps do…. Office Angels had hit the nail on the head with this name and to this day are still one of the biggest agencies in London.

Moving to Australia in 2013 I kicked off my Recruitment career and quickly learnt there are essentially two types of recruiters temp or perm. The temp recruiters typically love the fast pace and permanent recruiters like the more strategic and process driven approach.

Personally, I have taken to the temp market like a duck to water, I live and breathe the fast pace and I absolutely love the relationships I have with my candidates and clients. It’s all based on trust, speed to market and reliability. I am sure my clients would vouch that I find them the best candidates in the market in their hour of need, and that they can always rely on me.

From a business perspective the benefits of temps are huge. The impact it can cause when a member of staff is sick or needs to take urgent leave is greater than you probably realise. I often speak with clients who tell me that Jane Smith or Jack Jones seem unhappy and possibily disengaged. When I dig a little deeper and find out that the highly qualified Jane or Jack is constantly covering reception or administration duties because they are short staffed, it explains a lot!

The organisations we partner with have fantastic cultures and everyone mucks in to help out, however if this distracts the staff member from hitting important deadlines or dealing with their job that they are on board to do…. The cracks start to show.

The moral of the story here is, don’t go short, don’t struggle and run thin on the ground. My temps are all highly experienced and can adapt to any work situation and pick up systems quickly without training.

Call me for one of our amazing angels to save the day. I can guarantee you will be impressed not only with the quality of candidate but how much stress this takes away from your colleagues in your hour of need…