Matt King
I am passionate about providing a seamless experience for both client and candidate. I pride myself on my ability to alleviate the pressure of hiring new staff or the stress of starting a new role. Outside of work I thoroughly enjoy watching all thin

My Path
I began what you might call my adult life studying geography at the University of Brighton in the UK. As an engineering recruiter I have 9 years’ experience with 5 years of those in the built environment and transport infrastructure sector in Australia with a focus on civil and structural engineering professionals.
My Passions
Professionally, I’m passionate about connecting candidates with companies and opportunities that really mesh with what they want at a cultural and aspirational level. I care about where my candidates work. Personally, I’m an F1 aficionado, love a Savignon Blanc and I’m obsessed with bad reality TV shows (is there another kind?) and Grey’s Anatomy.
My Specialty
I specialise in recruiting mid-senior level professionals in the built environment and transport infrastructure sector for engineering consultancies and local councils across QLD, with a focus on: Civil Engineers, Structural Engineers, Civil Designers, Civil Drafters, Structural Drafters, Traffic Engineers, Design Managers, Transport Modellers and Planners
My Value
I understand the intricacies of civil and structural consulting engineering.
… and also this
I used to sprint 100m for Essex.