James Hasloch
I studied business at Massey University in New Zealand and, not too long thereafter, jumped the ditch where I began what has so far been a twenty-one-year recruitment career.
My Path
Since 2006 I have specialised in the property market, excited by the prospect of joining an innovative team of market leaders I established TalentWeb Property in 2012.
My Passion
Health, fitness and family. I’ve been known to dabble in the odd ultra-marathon, and most lunchtimes you’ll find me with my runners on, pounding the streets of Sydney. It’s not all hard work, though! I’m equally passionate about balancing my love of fitness with great food, even better Shiraz and I’m a more than willing recipient of new restaurant recommendations.
My Value
I’ve been doing this for a long time and still enjoy the market I work in, which to me speaks volumes about the calibre of people and opportunities within it. My connections range from C-level execs to analysts, and, because of the time I’ve committed to studying the market, I have a deep appreciation for the right career move at the right time.
…and also, this
I’ve completed 7 ultra-marathons and am training for the next one.
I’m the founder of Talent Web Property.
I manage the sales strategy and the day-to-day operations of the Property Team (and keep an eye on their recent dumpling addictions…).