
December 8, 2023

Coming to work this morning – as compared to last week – it was immediately apparent that the majority of Australia’s work force were back on deck for 2019……welcome aboard people!!


Now – I am certain that if I spoke to everyone individually there would be at least a third who would like a new role, and a new challenge, in 2019…..but how many of them will actually take action?  How many do you reckon?  I reckon about half of that 33% will actually act on the desire for change and why will the other half not act?  Because they won’t take time to make a plan.

These things don’t happen via osmosis – you need to be engaged, proactive, disciplined and tactical to generate change.  Whilst each journey is individual, try the steps below to get yourself on the path to a brave new world in 2019:


  1. Put time in your diary to think thoroughly about your reasons for change.  List your top three reasons for a move.

  2. See if those three reasons can be satisfied in your current role.  Have you ever spoken with your boss and articulated what you would like to change in your current role and given them the opportunity to provide options for you?

  3. If you are determined to leave, write down what you are looking for.  Visualise the role, industry, location, culture etc of what you are looking for and commit that to paper.  Work out where you are prepared to deviate from the goal and where you are not.

  4. Don’t obsess about a timeline, pressure on timing will force you to make bad decisions.

  5. Get yourself out there!! Contact companies directly, find out which recruiters are doing the best work in your field and contact them, follow your “goal companies” on LinkedIn, Twitter etc and keep up to date with their open roles.  Use your networks to keep across opportunities and make finding a job, your job!

  6. Stay in the game.  It may take some time and it won’t happen unless you regularly put time in to your search.  Every speed bump is a step closer and every bit of feedback is a chance to learn and improve.

  7. When you do get a job offer CAREFULLY analyse it against your ideal goal role that you conceptualized at the start of this process and make a good decision.  Don’t feel pressured to make a decision that isn’t the right one for you.


Remember, getting a great role is not about luck or chance, it is about planning and forcing the right outcome for yourself.